Liebe - Bildung - Person: Die Bedeutung der Bildung im Mensch- und Gottwerdungsprozess


  • Evrim Kutlu



Gottverwirklichung, Selbsttranszendierung, Bildung


Max Scheler develops a complex notion of Bildung, which can also be fruitful for understanding today’s world. The significance and function of Bildung as a «category of being» consists particularly in how it forms the entirety of human as a «hu­man­i­za­tion». For Scheler this idea of humanization is inseparable from the Bildung to the person, with which a metaphysical horizon opens up that shows itself to be the «becoming God» (werdender Gott). This paper elaborates on how Bildung is significant for the becoming of the person and the becoming God, and the relation of mutual interdependence between these two processes. The essential aspect in Bildung is ordo amoris and self-transcendence. At the end of this paper it will be described how we could encounter current challenges in modern day society, which is given by technological developments with the Schelerian notion of Bildung in terms of self-transcendence and self-education (Selbstbildung).


