About the Journal
"This feeling of wonder shows that you are a philosopher,
since wonder is the only beginning of philosophy"
(Theaet., 155 d)
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Current Issue

Kairos and appearance are two rich notions, both from a linguistic and a conceptual point of view: unavoidable in philosophical reflection, they also represent fundamental crossroads of every human life, given that the “flourishing” of human life depends on grasping the opportune moment that requires to be expected but also realized.
These two notions are called upon to work as a pair, as the contributions contained in this volume show from various points of view.
Moreover, the same kairos is what stands in time, but it is also what has a spatial manifestation, and therefore “appears”, revealing itself, together, as “right time” and as “right space”, as shown by the Latin term occasio, which indicates what falls in front of us in an unexpected way and which therefore represents a visible manifestation of the kairos.
Full Issue
Thaumàzein is a refereed, open-access journal of philosophy.
Founded in 2012, it is an international journal that is published annually. Submitted manuscripts undergo a process of peer review. Reviewers are chosen from the Editorial and Scientific Boards, depending on the specific expertise required.
The journal has a ISSN number: 2284-2918.
Moreover, every paper published in Thaumàzein is assigned a DOI® number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper.